Prepare Your Ministry for Another Active Earthquake Season

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There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "lightning".

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2

1. Prepare for Severe Spring Storms Now

When severe storms strike, they can produce high winds and tornadoes. Damaging winds can wreak havoc on your ministry’s property and to buildings. A high wind event can crash debris through your windows, strip your siding, down trees on your parking lot, peel shingles off your roof, and fling back the flashing.

Tags: weather emergency, lightning, storms, safety, protect
2. Prepare Now for Spring Storms

With the arrival of spring, weather concerns gradually shift from snow and frozen pipes to flooding and lightning storms. By taking these precautions, your church can get a head start on storm preparedness, so an emergency situation won’t catch your ministry off guard.

Tags: weather emergency, lightning, storms, safety, protect

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2